TORONTO (HoundsTV) Apr 9, 2009 - The day after his rather strange CBC radio interview in Toronto - Billy Bob Thornton emerged from his tour bus to enter Massey Hall for his Boxmasters set.
While on the previous night Thornton came off the bus to be greeted by just a handful of fans and autograph collectors - Thursday night proved a very different story. Billy Bob came off the bus to be greeted by a much larger crowd of media, photographers, and fans.
When one reporter asked Thornton about his comment on Ghomeshi's CBC radio show - the perceived slight to Canadian audiences - labeling them "mashed potatoes without gravy." Billy Bob, dragging on a cigarette simply stated his was referring to the interviewer Ghomeshi, and not the audience.
While security was escorting Thornton into the concert hall, Billy Bob was quick to add to another reporters question, "I love Canada, absolutely!"
UPDATE (April 9th): Seems Thornton's earlier interview comments did not go unnoticed by the Massey Hall audience. Boos and catcalls greeted Thornton and the Boxmasters during their Thursday night set while opening for Willie Nelson.
"Boo all you want, but I want to say something… We're really happy to be here, but I need to say something. I talked to this a-hole (Ghomeshi) yesterday. I sat down and talked with this guy. He and his producers say, `We promise you we won't say that'. The very first thing they said was that. I don't really like sensationalism. If you look someone in the eyes and promise them something, and you don't do it, you don't get the interview. That's the way it goes." - BILLY BOB THORNTON during Thursday night Boxmasters gig at Massey Hall
UPDATE (April 10th): I guess there really isn't enough gravy in Canada for Billy Bob Thornton and his Boxmasters - they have pulled out of the rest of Willie Nelson's Canadian tour.
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